Part enquiry
Part No. | Application | Machine Model |
4E3273 | STRAP | 936F, 950G, 962G, 938G |
4E5984 | STRAP | 924F, 924G, 938F, 938G |
4V7081 | STRAP | 966D, 966E, 966F |
5V2538 | STRAP | 936E, 936F, 938F, 938G, 436B, 426B, 416B, 428B |
5V2545 | STRAP | 436B, 426B, 416B, 416C, 426C, 428C, 428B, 436C, 438B |
5V2974 | STRAP | 950B, 950E, 950F, 960F |
* Other part no. not included in the list are available. Please contact your sales representative if you have any questions. Part Numbers are used for reference purposes only.